The Mind of God as a Semiotic Network.

A dynamic semiotic network in the God's Mind.

The diversity of the creative power of God.

The Mind of God as a Semiotic Network.
An enlarged Physics derived from the attributes of God to see
His creative power in the Universe, in the history and in our lives.
The Aleph-Tav Project is an interdisciplinary research program that integrates metaphysics and science using concepts and theories of the physics, computer science, biology, semiotics and the metaphysical Kabbalah to develop models of the interaction between God and the Universe.
The ultimate goal of the Aleph-Tav Project is to integrate the theology of the God revealed in the Torah with modern science developing a scientific theory about the Universe explicitly based on the attributes of God (named Sefirot) as its foundation.
We are creating a physical theory interpreting and expanding the scope of modern physical theories in terms of God's actions in His own Mind. This theory will allow us to increase our comprehension about the reality and improve our predictive capabilities about natural phenomena, integrating them to spiritual phenomena.
To achieve the Aleph-Tav Project’s goal, we firstly built a model of the Mind of God interpreting the Kabbalah's metaphysical principles and concepts in terms of creation and processing of structures of information. This model resulted in the Aleph-Tav Theory of the God's Mind.
Applying this God’s Mind theory, we are able to build models of any kind of God's creative process which can produce, for instance, space-times, physical fields, universes and biospheres.
The fundamental concepts and methods to understand the God's creatives processes in His Mind are described in our book "The Semiotic Mind of God".
The specific research topics where we apply the Aleph-Tav Theory are the Projects: Yesod, Malkuth, Olamot and Terra Futura.
The Conceptual Framework
The Aleph-Tav Project develops a unified view of fundamental concepts of the Physics and Metaphysics based on the HaMakom Paradigm and the Sefirotic Tree of Life of the metaphysical Kabbalah.
See the Conceptual Framework in which the Aleph-Tav Project is developed.
The project is conducted with an interdisciplinary Methodology and open to continuous improvement, to better represent how God created and maintains the Nature and the spiritual worlds. See more here.
The Aleph-Tav Project approach to integrate physics and metaphysics is a top-down one: we don't derive 'God' from physics, but instead, we derive the laws of the physics from God's attributes.
Understand the difference: 'The Torah's God and an enlarged Physics'.