We are a small team of 'lions cubs' giving our first steps in this journey. You are invited to be a 'lion cub' volunteer to help us to turn in reality the GAI goals.
Luis David Aimola is a physicist and environmental scientist. For more than 20 years has been working as a researcher in climate modeling in the university and corporate environments. (See his profile in Google Scholar and LinkedIn .)
A believer in the Torah and Kabbalah theological and metaphysical principles he has for many years developed an independent research about the foundations of physics looking to understand how the space-time and the laws of physics could be derived from the attributes of God.
He strongly believes that if we understand in clearest way, according the scientific methodology, the relationship between God and the Universe we can be closer to Him. This proximity empower us to contribute in creative ways to better the world with constructive actions.
Now he is starting to publish several results of his research and advance many topics which deserve further investigations. However, this project only can be realized with people bringing their passion and talent to contribute with our research and educational goals. In order to implement our projects in a cooperative way, the Gur Aryeh Institute was created in 2016.
Luis David currently lives and works in Israel with his wife, Ligia Esther and has two daughters, one grand daughter and three grand sons. He dedicates part of his time in United States developing the Gur Aryeh Institute projects. He's is the actual President of the Gur Aryeh Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Julia Simon Cavalcante is a professional dancer with a sound background in financial management. She has the sensibility to leader the artistic activities of Gur Aryeh Institute and the analytical mind to give to our institute a sound financial advising. She lives currently in Israel.
Alinne Senatro is a public relation professional which for many years has worked in schools of medium and basic levels.
Alinne help us in the organization of the administrative works.
She currently lives in Israel.